Saturday, October 28, 2023

No sleep till Nano

Okay, I have decided to throw myself at Nanowrimo this year and work on the book. I'm hoping to get a few key sections ironed out. That at least would give me enough of a framework to consider another go through a "second draft." It should not be taking me the better part of three decades to finish this series.

I miss the days I could just sit down and write anywhere. Where the words just came out of my fingertips like Emperor Palpatine's lightning powers. I always thought I would be writing every day of my life. Maybe if I'd known I'd be like this in my later years, I would have written more and spent less time with stupid fandom drama crap. 

I will update through the month as I progress. Fifteenth time's a charm, as they say.

I'll take "Things I need to remind myself of" for $500, Alex

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

And another one (month) bites the dust

 As crappy as summer was, October was not good. Don't want to talk about it kind of not good. Had my bones sucked out by a moopsy* kind of not good 

I have a blog and I must post. So, here I am.

We'll see if I feel up to Nano this November. I just wish I could get something written. Anything. At all. Even this post.

Here's some stuff. 

Bread is life. Life is pain. Therefore, bread is pain.

this explains my reader count. But I've always been
 a quality vs quantity kinda person
