Monday, June 28, 2021

Paris, Ten Years Later


Yes, work is now recommencing on the book. This was originally all going to be the first half (!) of Inferno but, well, I've already got brick problems so I felt this was best. I want to thank everyone who has stuck around during the past few years of utter crap (in my head) and letting me rebuild my stamina and confidence. I have discovered PauC fan art on Tumblr and it makes me soooo happy I could just fall off a bridge. I have given myself a tentative finish date of end of the year (2021) for this one. 

Wish me luck! I love each and every one of you, even if you number in the single digits. 

Monday, April 19, 2021

Nano did not go as planned

Well I signed up for Nanowrimo again and then some stuff happened and no book got written. But I'm okay with that. I actually had a kind of breakdownthrough on how I want the next book to go. Traditionally, so I'm told, it's that middle part of the work that is the hardest part, whether it's a movie or a story. I should not be so down on myself for choking at this point in the narrative. 

Leaving you with this, for now, courtesy of @sparknotes on Twitter:

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

 And then all of THIS happened....

John Travolta looking around gif

Okay so it's been about (checks watch) 15 months since I updated this last. Since you've been probably living on the same planet as I have, you know what's been going on. Finally crawled out of depression long enough to update this. Website plans went to heck in a gilded handbasket, forget that whole idea. I'm just going to post here if and when and especially if I get anything to post. 

Book came to a basic halt over the past year. Hoping to fire up some of it during this spring's Nanowrimo, but not making any big promises right now. 

Anyway, I'm not dead yet, nor am I pining for the fjords. Hope to have some actual book news in less than fifteen months' time.

Thanks to the ppl who have been doing PauC fan art. If you like it enough to draw it, I must be doing something right. Will post links if I get permissions.

Take care of yourselves.