Tuesday, February 18, 2025

It's done it's finally done yay

The short story, that is. 

It took a lot more to write this than I had thought, it was originally going to be just a semi light-hearted, what-if kind of a deal, but the more I wrote, the more I realized how much of this needed to be written out, that part of the reason I hadn't worked much on the book was because I wasn't sure how/didn't think I was able to write these things. 

I will be putting the story in the book, not written into the book text but as the separate story that it is. You don't need to read it to make the book make sense but it sure the heck helps, doesn't it?

But if you want to read it now, it's an ebook on Amazon for $1.99. Here's the link.


And now I have to get ready to put energy into finishing book five, Absolution. Which I think will now go a lot better than previous attempts. Wish me luck, I could use it!

Three, definitely three

Friday, January 24, 2025

update to the Christmas story

 Happy new year! I guess...

The second part of the story is up on Amazon; if you bought the first version with part one in it, redownloading it should update you to the new version at no extra cost. Link is in the previous post.

Originally I hoped this would be only two parts, but it got a whole lot bigger than I had anticipated... the final part should be up in the next couple of weeks, I'm hoping for mid February at the latest but it should be earlier. 

Anyway here's Wonderwall...

Wednesday, December 25, 2024


 So named because this is the last post of the year, and the first one was way back in January...

Announcing a little Christmas story. Only the first third is currently uploaded though. The rest of the story will upload in a couple of weeks for no additional charge. Let's hope the next year is fruitful and productive in the face of certain misery in the new old administration.

it's available here 

thanks for reading. See you in the future!

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

This Year So Far...

 ...has not been great, personally. Here's hoping it picks up. 

RIP Merlin 2010-2024

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Happy Birthday ya big lug


"then let them eat birthday cake" - Marie Antoinette

Sunday, December 3, 2023

welp that went well

 and by "well" I mean "didn't write much"

however, December should be vastly different. I'm going to be by myself for most of the month (voluntarily) and I'm planning to use a ton of it doing stuff I just can't get done otherwise, for one reason or another. And this includes writing. Because I'll be able to write day or night, wherever, without interruption other than cats (because duh). I will not mind being alone for the holidays. I've had enough family for one lifetime. Roommate will be elsewhere because this time of year is hard for her so she's literally getting away from it all. I won't be lonely though, it's just that if I want to see someone I'll choose to. 

If anyone wants to exchange holiday cards drop me a message and we'll do that. 

I'll update once more before the end of the year. May this next year be better than expected because we could all use a little break from all the news making and stuff.

Yeah good thing I never joined the army, couldn't
keep a straight face

related: monetizing your hobbies. Way to take the
fun out of everything.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

So Far So What

Mid-Nano progress report: well, I got some things done. I'm not going to make the whole 50K but I sure made progress in revision and structure. Next month should be pretty quiet for me as roommate will be doing some travelling for business etc and I'll get lots of time to myself to work without interruption. 

What have I done, you ask? Well, I can't be more specific but, I wrote about an epic battle, a scary deserted estate, and I stopped yet another character from jumping off a bridge. So there's that.

See you in two weeks for the thrilling conclusion of Nano! Now here's a word from our sponsor.

yeah, I have a few of these, and I love them every time,
 even when they wreck my whole overarching
plot (looking at you, Benedict)

The first two books were 1, the second two were 2, and 
it's looking like the rest are 3.